Kyle Firebaugh

Kyle has been a fixture in the Colorado soccer scene for years now. He has coached a top men's team here in Denver, and played for state championship teams in California as well. Kyle played 4 years at Knox College in Illinois and grew up playing club soccer in Peoria. Kyle is group leader qualified, with a early elementary education background. For 5 years, Kyle taught first grade in Long Beach, California. Kyle is the proud father of a 9 year old daughter Lea, and 4 year old son, Julien.


Justin Hall

Justin is a proud father of two, and is one of the founding owners of Little Feats Soccer. Justin played soccer in college at North Central College in Naperville, Illinois. He has been coaching with Little Feats for over 15 years now, and has built relationships with families all over the state of Colorado. Previously, he has coached youth club soccer in the Chicago suburbs. Justin is group leader qualified in early education, and hold's a Colorado elementary education license. He also has a business background in marketing.



Luke Elbin

Luke Elbin has been coaching soccer in the Denver area for over 15 years. He has coached preschoolers, youth club soccer, and coached top amateur and semi professional indoor soccer. Luke played college ball at North Central College, and club soccer at Bowling Green State University. He grew up playing with State and Regional and National pool teams with the United States Soccer Federation. Before starting Little Feats Soccer with Justin Hall, Luke spent 3 years teaching preschool and kindergarten. He is ECE group lead qualified and has a background in business administration and marketing. Just last year he welcomed his daughter, Fiona, into the world.